Suits to own for grooms and their guys - Starting from $210

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Brides and Grooms everywhere love the Modern Groom

The Modern Groom's goal is to give you a suit you'll love with customer service you'll appreciate. You get the wedding suit of your dreams (or your bride-to-be's anyway).

Hear From Real Customers

"Absolutely the best! I wouldn’t trust anyone else!"

Gregory S. 6/7/24

"The suits fit great! They were all awesome quality and super comfortable, and a great price! my husband will wear his for a long time after our wedding!"

Jadyn G. 6/1/24

"The Modern Groom made ordering suits for our wedding very simple. All our guys looked great and now they get to wear their suits for other special occasions. The customer service people responded quickly and were very helpful when we had questions or concerns. The online portal was a great way to track the status of the suits and make sure everything was on schedule."

Caitlyn C. 5/23/24

"Was hesitant to use an online company but they were great. As the groom they took care of me and easily walked me through the process. I had to exchange part of the suit for a different size and the process was very easy. Haven't heard any complaints from the groomsmen. Love the fact that we get to keep the suit and appear to be of decent quality. Will wear again for sure."

JP B. 5/17/24

"Modern Groom did a great job on the timing and replaces of the suits that needed to be replaced I definitely recommend them and would use them again"

Andrea B. 4/28/24

"The suit was easy quick affordable and it looked great!! 😃Thank you Modern Groom!"

Sky D. 4/13/24

"We all loved our suits! Quality all around. They made it really easy and simple to get all my groomsmen their suits; even though we all live in different states. 10/10! Highly recommended!"

Weston K. 4/10/24


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